Saturday, April 14, 2012

Good Times!!!!

Roller Skating!!!!!  I put on my skates again after about 5 years of the sitting in the closet.

I LOVE Roller skating.  

It brings back so many memories from my youth.  There were so many field trips and birthday parties at The Golden Skate.  One such field trip in the fifth grade garnered me a detention for entering the rink early, without my teacher.

I went to a small school where every grade had two teachers, the mean/weird/crazy one and the nice one.  I did not have the "nice" one for 3rd, 5th, or 6th grade.  But I did have one of my friends in my class every year from 1st-6th, so it was bearable.  It's not that my teachers weren't nice but the other was always nicer.  I guess I had a case of the grass is always greener from a young age.

I also accomplished finishing my Minnie Mouse clip-on ears for Bay to Breakers today.  In truth I just had to glue everything together.  It was all pieced together about a month ago.  I hope they last through 7.46 miles.  They should, I am not a fast and furious runner.  And i have over two hours to finish the race...i have up to five hours.  Our primary goal is to finish under two hours.  Our insanity goal was 91 minutes, but we have both (myself and my running partner) been hit with minor injuries.  You never know, five more weeks to go.  :o)

This is me
(in the ears i made for B2B)

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